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Joseph Julián González is a composer for award-winning Films, TV shows, stage productions and concerts. His music has been performed at Carnegie Hall, The Sydney Opera House, The Walt Disney Concert Hall and other prestigious venues. Read more

Featured Reviews

”The work is truly wonderful, a modern masterpiece for choir, soloists, and instrumentalists, in the manner of earlier great choral works by composers like Bach, Mendelsohn, Handel, etc.”
- Lee Greene, Performing Arts Reviews

”Its’ opening was enough to induce shivers… A spontaneous standing ovation was well deserved. Our departed ancestors seemed to join in.”
- Andrea Piocos, The Sun

Featured Events

With full orchestra, soloists, and 80 voice choir, MISA AZTECA opens the Festival Cultural Mazatlán in MEXICO, October 7, 2023.

Gonzalez' Misa Azteca will be performed in Phoenix, AZ April 2 and 3, 2022 by ProMusica Arizona and The Carolyn Eynon Singers.

The Rogue Valley Chorale Premieres Gonzalez' Cuicapeuhcayotl (Origin of the Songs) in Medford, OR.

Gonzalez's three act Opera, Sueños de Béjar (Dreams of Béjar), a monumental work he composed with his wife Monique's original libretto, will be performed in San Antonio, TX.


Guadalupe and the Flower World Prophecy Book Released Nov. 21, 2023
Gonzalez and his wife, Monique, release their much anticipated book, Guadalupe and the Flower World Prophecy: How God Prepared the Americas for Conversion Before The Lady Appeared, through Sophia Institute Press. The first printing sold out in 6 weeks and it hit the Amazon Best Seller list in four different categories. Please go to their separate website,, for exciting updates on lecture appearances in your area and other invigorating projects.

Plough Magazine
Gonzalez and his wife, Monique, co-authored the essay, In The Aztec Flower Paradise, regarding the link between Beauty, Truth and Goodness, Aztec Poetry, and Guadalupe - a preview of their book to be published in 2023.

Festival Musica E Arte Sacra
Gonzalez' music was performed at the Vatican sponsored event, Festival Musica E Arte Sacra, one of only two living composers selected to be represented at this prestigious festival.

Bulgarian National Radio Symphony Orchestra
Gonzalez conducts the Bulgarian National Radio Symphony Orchestra for the recording of his score for the PBS documentary, Children of Giant.

Movie Guide Awards
Ancient Roads from Christ to Constantine has been nominated for the Epiphany Prize at the Movie Guide Awards.

Peabody Award
Latino Americans, a six-part mini-series, has received the 2014 Peabody Award. It is the first major documentary series for television to chronicle the rich and varied history and experiences of Latinos in helping shape the United States.

Academy Award Nomination
The Feature Documentary, Colors Straight Up, received an Academy Award Nomination.

Emmy Award Winner
The PBS documentary, Made in LA, won the National Emmy for best documentary.
For Film and Television,
Gonzalez is represented by:

Soundtrack Music Associates
1460 4th St., Suite 308
Santa Monica CA 90401
(310) 260-1023
Contact directly here.
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